2023 marks a special celebration for LAV.EL. GOMMA: our first 50 years. We started as small family business back in 1973. From then we have gone from strength to strength, becoming one of the leading companies in the industry.
Designing, manufacturing, following every single phase with passion: we always stand by you, because you should know by now that… All You Need Is Lavel.
Over 20,000 square metres, a team of around 200 people, and then all of you. You have always stood by our side. For this reason we want to send you a special thanks! Thank you for sharing this incredible anniversary. Thank you for having stayed with us through all our changes and developments and for choosing to trust us.
For the future, we will endeavour to strengthening our relationships with our customers, valuing even more our people, attaching more importance to sustainability, and offering solutions which cater for any needs.