

The design and choice of moulds are two key stages when manufacturing the perfect rubber gasket. Consequently, LAV.EL. Gomma works with the best mechanical workshops that produce a complete range of moulds and accessories for its industrial manufacturing needs.

This equipment is manufactured by leading suppliers whose skilled, experienced employees use cutting-edge machine tools and the latest software to ensure precision workmanship.

The LAV.EL. Gomma inhouse Technical Department works closely with suppliers, supervising their work and acting as a bridge between them and its customers. The department also provides non-stop technical support in a bid to ensure that all customer needs are dealt with rapidly and effectively. It is also in direct contact with the LAV.EL. Gomma Research and Development wing, as well as with its production departments. These ties exploit synergies to their full potential, thus cutting the time needed to develop bespoke solutions.

Our modern automated warehouses store more than 6,000 moulds in optimum conditions, and this number is constantly on the rise.

LAV.EL. Gomma takes the utmost care over the entire production process, from design to manufacture. It also goes to great lengths to ensure its moulds are cleaned properly, and the company has its own onsite automated washing plant. The moulds are cleaned and maintained automatically, which improves production processes and cycles, thus reducing lead times and honing performance.

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