Ideas are priceless!
We at LAV.EL Gomma S.R.L. are aware of the fundamental importance of human resources for the success of our Company. That is why a month ago we decided to increase our employees’ satisfaction by providing a communication channel where each employee has the opportunity to freely express their own opinion, even anonymously. We have called this channel “The Box of Ideas”. Every employee can “put” any suggestion that might help improve working conditions into this box. With these suggestions and proposals, LAV.EL aims at developing new systems that can improve the working process and performance. The Management will acknowledge and evaluate all proposals, and decide which ones are to be taken into consideration, developed and applied. There are many issues from which suggestions and proposals can be drawn: repetitive actions that disrupt the working process and therefore are not productive for the company, lack of information, internal conflicts, evaluation of workstation configuration and possible performance improvement, lighting and workspace organisation, and more adequate work tools and instruments. “The Box of Ideas” is literally a box positioned at company entrance that employees will see and put their suggestions in, using the provided form. Each year, the employees who have come up with the best proposal will receive a prize from Management.