In 2018 we have further increased our turnover and we certainly do not want to stop here.
The important works of expansion of the company spaces are coming to an end. In 2018 we also celebrated 45 years of activity and this goal, besides making us proud, gives us new incentives to start immediately accelerating in 2019. We do not want to let an event as important as the 45th Anniversary pass, without working and organizing immediately to expand and grow again. Every day we aim at success, every day we work and we strive to offer our customers a cutting-edge product and a punctual service.
It is also thanks to the commitment of each of us, that today LAV.EL GOMMA can boast a turnover of € 19.4 million, 45 presses and machines always active to produce over 1.5 billion pieces of products that we proudly distribute to our customers in Italy, Europe, USA, Asia and Australia …
The numbers do not only serve to draw a balance on the path made in these years, but above all to set goals for the future of our company which is investing a lot in terms of resources and technology, to be always at the forefront in an increasingly competitive business environment. So, let’s start 2019!