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    On 7th September LAV.EL Gomma celebrated its 47th anniversary. An important milestone which took place during a rather difficult year in our history.  Recent events – being forced to keep a distance for long time – have made us appreciate people even more.  It is especially thanks to our clients, staff and employees that LAV.EL. Gomma has been able to grow over time to become a solid company. ...

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    Summer break for LAV.EL. Gomma s.r.l which will be closed from 10 to 21 August. For orders and any info, do not hesitate to contact your contact persons.

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    LAV.EL. Gomma is proud to announce the birth of the new voice of our company, our mascot Teo! We called him Teo because it is the merging of the names of our two founders: Roberto and Matteo. Teo will not only be a mascot but also the narrating voice...

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    Welcome to our team

    Welcome to our team Our team has got bigger! Two new engineers have joined the LAV.EL. Gomma family: Matteo and Alessandro. So, let’s hear from them directly: “I’m Matteo Guindani, Msc and PhD in Mechanical Engineering, with a focus on elastomeric materials. In LAV.EL. Gomma, I’m responsible for managing...

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    Full steam ahead

    After a short break in the middle of the Covid-19 emergency, which we took to safeguard the health and safety of our employees, we went back to full production.   Also, during the lockdown, we never stopped supplying the materials needed to produce sanitary equipment and personal protective equipment....

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    Always, by your side.

    To tackle the COVID-19 emergency we have stepped up our efforts to ensure the continuity of our business. We have been required to adopt changes swiftly, in our internal procedures, production processes and relationships with our customers. Safeguarding workers and employees has been our priority. During the peak of the epidemic...

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    Human Resource

    Welcome Paolo! “After 22 years spent abroad, in Belgium, Argentina, Germany and United States, working for different SAP team by Hewlett-Packard, 4 years ago I went to Franciacorta and started a new career as IT consultant in management systems. Starting from the beginning of February I’m working for LAV.EL....

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    People at the core

    Each owner, manager and businessman knows that the person is the real complexity to manage in a company. For us in LAV.EL. Gomma, the centrality of the person in our management system is a creed. We believe in the importance to put people at the core, in order to promote...

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    All Around The World…

    Preview! Yes, you know that we’ll be present at ISH the world leading Fair for sanitary, building services, air conditioning technology and renewable energies. We would like to introduce you a “stolen” picture of our stand, realised by Propaganda. From 14.03.2017 till 18.03.2017 you’ll find us at Messe Frankfurt, in...

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    New Solutions & Updates | february 2017

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